
Hite Architecture helps clients achieve their visions while making the most of their investments.

Over the years three characteristics have defined who we are; sensitive listeners; high touch professionals; and client advocates.

Sensitive Listeners

We are the translator of our client’s visions into reality. To do this we must put aside our biases and step into their shoes.

High touch professionals

For many of our clients this may be the culmination of a lifetime of work and dreams, so we treat every project with the respect and sensitivity it demands.

Client advocates

Design and construction is not an area many people have a wealth of experience, so we see ourselves as a resource and a voice for them throughout the design and construction journey.


It was during a recession in 1994 that the founder, David Hite, decided to open his own practice. Prior to establishing this practice, David had been employed by regional and national firms whose primary focus was on healthcare. With that experience, the new firm’s first project was a dental office and since then has grown to encompass a variety of other markets. Our strategy has been to slowly expand our range of building types over time, while maintaining the markets already established.

Dr. Chris and Ginger Kibler

“Thank you both for spending so much time with us today!!!! I appreciate so much having your input and advice in ordering our next steps in this process. You are BOTH a gift to us from God at this time in our lives. Thank you for the time you took away from your families, as I know how precious that is on the weekends!”

Sissy & Frank Moxhem

“The house is really coming together now – painting begins this week, tile is going in, etc.  We really LOVE the overall design of the house – you did a great job – thanks.”